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جمعية العبدلي

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تطبيق خاص بجمعية العبدلي لمتابعة أخبار الجمعية وعروض الجمعية والاستعلام عن اصناف الجمعية ، والاستعلام عن بيانات المساهمين ومشتريات المساهمين وارباح المساهمين ومعرفة بيانات فروع الجمعية, ومعرفة سعر اى صنف فى جميع افرع الجمعية

Mobile app for hyper market of jahra area, to allow The Customer know the hyper market news and offers and price of any item by Scan the item.
And The share holders(Partners ) of The hyper market can know the purchase and profit .
And know branches of the hyper market.

There Are many screens in the app
1- Branch Data Of The Coop (Hyper Market) : shows the names o the branches and when user click any name then show this branch data.
2-Share Holders (Share holders of the hyper market): in this screen the user enter his civil id number and his box no number to get his purchase and his profit for the current year.
3-Item Scanner : in this screen the user select the branch and then press check button to read barcode to get item data, if the user try to scan item not related to hyper market then we return data with item not found with zero price.
4-Social news : in this screen we show the social new of the hyper market partners
and events with images of this news.
5-Gallery : This screen shows the latest offers for hyper market items
with images of these offers
6-Abouts Us : simple screen shows contact information for Hyper market head office